Live it.

Wear it.

New Hampshire gear for those who love liberty.

The 1772 Collection

In the town of Weare, the year 1772, the first act of violent rebellion against the crown occurred. In a very real sense, this was the start of The Granite Republic.

Long before the Boston Tea Party, before Concord and Lexington, and even before the burning of the HMS Gaspee, men of New Hampshire beat the king’s excise man to a pulp and sent him packing. This is where it began.

The Militia Collection

Stay vigilant sailors! When adversity strikes we will be ready!

The idea of The Vanguard is that every able-bodied man will be ready and willing when the time comes; ever vigilant, if you’ve got a boat you might be called upon to serve in the maritime militia to protect the people of The Granite Republic of New Hampshire!

Simple hand tools have a long been repurposed during times of need, especially farm tools. If you’ve got a hoe you might be called upon to serve in the farmers militia to protect our rights in The Granite Republic of New Hampshire.

Find these design and more in our online store as well as local shops including:


The Granite Republic

We are the vanguard.

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